With the hockey season looming, Skandia Concrete was called on to pour a new arena floor for the District of Invermere in hot weather and under stringent finishing tolerances.
With the hockey season looming, Skandia Concrete was called on to pour a new arena floor for the District of Invermere in hot weather and under stringent finishing tolerances.
With the hockey season looming, Skandia Concrete was called on to pour a new arena floor for the District of Invermere in hot weather and under stringent finishing tolerances.
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Arena floors are integral to the ice surface that rests on them, making an absolutely level concrete floor surface is a must.
With the hockey season looming, Skandia Concrete had a limited timeframe to complete this project. The old concrete had to be removed and new cooling lines installed. Because finishing tolerances were so stringent, the concrete had to be highly plasticized and poured at a very slow rate. Hot weather compounded challenges as the concrete would set very quickly.
With the delivery of the concrete and timing of the pour key to achieving a near-flawless floor, tight and effective communications between the batchman and finishers was necessary and contributed greatly to the success of the project.